Monday, March 12, 2007

Probably not the smartest thing I've said

But I just realized that "dude" contains "dud" as in "that dude is a dud!" Ha.

OK, the truth be told, I am the person who checks my own blog six times a week.

Oh, this reminds me, this summer, when I was working at the court where I had a lot of free time, my friend recommended Evan Connell's "Mrs. Bridge" to kill all that free time. I thought it was hilarious, full of tongue-in-cheek commentary on a forgotten housewife. Then I read "Mr. Bridge," sort of a sequel, it wasn't as funny. Then I bought a sequence of Connell's books, including "Double Honeymoon." Anyways, the point to this post is that his "Son of the Morning Star," a non-fiction historical account of the battle at the Little Bighorn is probably one of the best and most hilarious narratives about the Indian Wars. Although I would assume they pronounced them "injians." I would even go as far as say that it's a close (yes, close) second to McCarthy's "Blood Meridian" which is loosely based on true facts. Anyone who knows me in real life, knows that "Blood Meridian" is my bible, or some sort of an equivalent, so having both compared is a great accomplishment for Connell in my eyes.

And apparently, ABC made into miniseries. And there are rumors that Oliver Stone will make a movie out of it.

I just read in Wikipedia that Tommy Lee Jones has film-making rights to "Blood Meridian." Strange.

On another note, Augusten Burrough's "Running with Scissors" is probably the most boring book I've read in a while. Formulaic David Sedaris-type jokes - lame!

I don't really care for David Sedaris either. The only two short stories that I liked were about him trying to flush down a huge piece of shit at someone else's house and the ups and downs of learning French. The funniest passage in that story was the class explaining Christmas to a Muslim woman in rudimentary French.

On a more positive note, thanks to the early time change in the U.S., it's still bright outside when I leave work. Can't wait til summer. Which is really code for can't wait to surf!!!

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