Monday, September 18, 2006

Yea I know I am lazy

And I haven't updated this thingee for a while. But I blame it all on surfing, it's more addictive than crack. Here is a quick update: 5+ foot waves - a no-no for Betty McBoob. Anything around 3 feet is fun, in a scary type of way. Oh, it looks like I will be fixing my own dings soon. Cowabunga!

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South Africa 'breaks' surf record
A group of South African surfers say they have broken the record for the number of people riding a single wave.
Organisers say that 73 surfers managed to stay upright for five seconds, beating the previous best of 44.

The event was organised to raise money for spotters who watch the sea to raise the alarm when sharks are seen on Muizenberg beach near Cape Town.

A lifeguard recently had his foot bitten off by a great white shark in the area.

"We have broken the world record," said organiser Dene Botha jubilantly.

"We don't know exactly by how many, but we have a record."

The record still has to be confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Still not sure what to say

I ran across this while reading someone else's blog. Well, not exactly, but when I saw a reference to vagina dentata, I quickly looked it up to Wikipedia. Which led me to anti-rape condoms.

They're weird. And somewhat fascinating. And confusing.

Anyways, here and here and here is what other people say about it.