So these are the baths. The stinky ones. Note that gigantic poster on a wall of a building. The poster says something along the lines of "Celebrating Georgia's diversity" (which is ironic, considering the ethnic conflicts that are constantly happening in Georgia), in Russian, it says "Georgia, our Motherland" and apparently, in Georgian, it says something entirely different. I am not sure what though but I am proud to say that I've learned a few words by now. Anyways, another, more interesting story of the building is that it is a well known brothel. Well, it's not a brothel, it's more a hotel where the cleaning ladies double as sex workers. So celebrate Georgia's diversity away!

Wow, a Georgian speaker!
I would not say Georgia's conflicts are ethnic. True, they, or should I say we, have conflicts and resentment towards Abkhazs, Osetians,Azeris and Meskh Turks but not over their nationality but rather over their active endeavours to claim as their own Georgian land that they were once allowed to settle on.
Your comment implies Georgia is ready for genocide but what we want is simply to have our land for ourselves. Tbilisi in particular is a place where many different nationalities peacefully coexist - Just ask Georgian jews.
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